Plant Classification, Plant Life Cycle, Pollination & MORE!


Your next science unit is already planned for you! This full unit has everything you need to teach your students about plants. Students will learn about plant classification, parts of a plant, parts of a flower, plant life cycle, and pollination, . Resources include a teacher guide, hands-on students activities (printable or digital), learning centers, review activities, and unit assessment.

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Your next science unit is already planned for you! This full unit has everything you need to teach your students about plants. Students will learn about plant classification, parts of a plant, parts of a flower, plant life cycle, and pollination, . Resources include a teacher guide, hands-on students activities (printable or digital), learning centers, review activities, and unit assessment.

Your next science unit is already planned for you! This full unit has everything you need to teach your students about plants. Students will learn about plant classification, parts of a plant, parts of a flower, plant life cycle, and pollination, . Resources include a teacher guide, hands-on students activities (printable or digital), learning centers, review activities, and unit assessment.

Teaching science shouldn't be complicated. You need a resource that's simply laid out for you so that you can deliver rigorous lessons that your students crave (without all the work that comes with creating it)!

Luckily, you've got The Classroom Nook! I've taken the leg work out of creating a unit that is complete from top to bottom, interactive, engaging, and just plain FUN for you and your students.


Each lesson has 3 components to help you structure your instruction effortlessly.

  • Introduction - During this portion of the lesson you'll review previously learned content and add on or introduce new concepts and content vocabulary that students will be working on that day. You'll start as a whole group using anchor slides before breaking out into small groups for hands-on practice.

  • Lesson Activity - During this time of your lessons students will "get their feet wet" through hands-on experiments and practice, often in partners or small groups. Students will interact with each other and apply what they are learning in real-world activities. They'll record their learning all in one place in their students activity packet.

  • Lesson Reflection - Bring students back together at the end of the lesson to review, share, and discuss what they have learned during the lesson activity. Students reflect on what they've learned through journal questions right in their student activity packet.


  • Teacher Guide with everything you need for each lesson. All needed resources are downloadable directly from the guide making prep a breeze! The teacher guide includes a unit overview and daily lesson plans. The lesson plans include detailed information about student objective, materials needed, teacher preparation required, and the steps on how to conduct the lesson. You'll even find sample anchor charts & answer keys embedded right into the teacher guide.

  • Student Activity Packet that goes along with each lesson and includes a journal question for each day. [Google Classroom compatible]

  • Anchor Slides that go hand in hand with the lessons. The slides are interactive and beautifully laid out to grab your students' attention! The anchor slides are provided in PowerPoint, PNG image files, and a PDF.

  • Bulletin Board Set to help teach daily concepts

  • Plant Classification Article [Google Classroom compatible]

  • "Parts of a Flower" foldable for learning each part and role of the flower

  • "Busy Bees" Reader's Theater Script for teaching about pollination [Google Classroom compatible]

  • Life Cycle Article for teaching the stages of a plant's life from seed to adult [Google Classroom compatible]

  • Life Cycle Cut & Paste Activity

  • Plants LINKtivity® Digital Learning Guide to help students review everything that they have learned throughout the unit. [Google Classroom compatible]

  • Plants Review Game

  • End of Unit Assessment [Google Classroom compatible]


  1. Plant classification

  2. Parts of a flower and their role in plant reproduction (flower dissection activity included for hands-on lab)

  3. The process of pollination

  4. Parts of a seed and the role of each part

  5. How a seed grows (includes hand-on lab activity)

  6. The life cycle of a plant

What other teachers are saying…

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "My students enjoyed the activities, especially the bean sort. The packet was incredibly organized and helpful, it was very easy to navigate. I really like how the student activity packet is numbered and you can see in the teacher resource what slide is what. I also like that the learning target is on the journal entries and they can self assess. Great resource, highly recommend!" - Beginner Bees, 3rd grade teacher

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "This is an all inclusive unit that took very little prep work. The hard part has been done for you. You just have to deliver the lesson. Amazing resource! I'll be purchasing more from this creator!" - Cynthia H., 4th grade teacher

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Wow... amazing! This is full of wonderful resources. I especially like the added bulletin boards! Thanks for sharing." - April M.

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