The Classroom Commute Podcast
Teacher Tips & Inspiration For Your Ride To School!
If you have a classroom and a commute, then you're in the right place! The Classroom Commute Podcast is THE place for busy teachers who want actionable tips, simple strategies, and a little fun on your ride in to school!
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Ep 70 // A Better Way to Teach Theme in Literature To Elementary Students
Many teacher find teaching theme challenging with elementary students. But— it’s likely because we aren’t giving our students a simple formula that they can repeat over and over to help them successfully identify theme. I’ll show you exactly what that formula is in this episode of The Classroom Commute!
Ep 68 // Synthesizing Made Easy: How To Help Your Elementary Students Master This Reading Strategy!
Teaching elementary students to synthesize information they’re reading can often feel like an uphill battle! In this episode, you’ll learn how to take this complex reading comprehension strategy and break it down into simple steps that your students can master!
Ep 64 - Helping Your Students Make Inferences When They Read
Reading comprehension instruction doesn’t have to be complicated! When it comes to teaching reading strategies like making inferences, a simple, student-friendly approach is easier than you think. Get the step-by-step guidance to help your elementary students master inferring while they read.