The Classroom Commute Podcast
Teacher Tips & Inspiration For Your Ride To School!
If you have a classroom and a commute, then you're in the right place! The Classroom Commute Podcast is THE place for busy teachers who want actionable tips, simple strategies, and a little fun on your ride in to school!
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Ep 138: The Story of the LINKtivity (Celebrating 1 Year With LINKtivity Learning)
LINKtivity Learning turns 1! For one year, the LINKtivity Learning membership has been supporting upper elementary teachers with 21st century digital learning resources that spark the love of learning! Join us as we celebrate!
Ep 133: Making a Impact in the Classroom With LINKtivity Interactive Learning Guides
Teachers are in the business of making an impact. And LINKtivity Learning is here to partner with teachers, to help them make a bigger impact in the elementary classroom.
Ep 119 // The Summer Learning Slide: 8 Tips for Teachers to Help Avoid It!
If you’re an elementary teacher, then you likely know that the summer learning slide is a real thing! Let’s help avoid the summer slide with summer learning opportunities that feel more like playing!
Ep 108 // Is the LINKtivity® Learning Membership Right for You? Your Questions...Answered!
The LINKtivity® Learning Membership serves upper elementary teachers by supporting them with unique engaging and interactive 21st century digital resources. Is the membership right for you? In this episode we’re answering all your questions!
Ep 107 // Digital or Printable Student Resources? Striking a Balance in the Elementary Classroom
Wondering if you’re over doing with when it comes to using digital learning in the elementary classroom? Or whether or not using printable resources is too old-school for the 21st century classroom? How can teachers strike a healthy balance to provide a well-rounded learning experience that incorporates new technologies with tried-and-true teaching that still utilizes pen and paper? Tune in to find out!
Ep 94 // 3 Tips for Increasing Student Success (That You Can Start Using TODAY!)
Fact: Education is changing. It HAS changed. And if we, as teachers want to keep up, we’ve got to reflect on our current ways of teaching and ensure that we are setting out students up for success. Listen in to learn 3 actionable tips for how you can increase student success in today’s, 21st century classroom.
BONUS Episode // A MASSIVE Update on LINKtivity Interactive Learning Guides You WON'T Want to Miss!
LINKtivity Interactive Learning Guides just got BETTER - now with new interactive and engaging features (including audio support for ALL!). This highly requested feature (audio) is now being rolled out in all LINKtivities and will be available in all current LINKtivities soon, plus even more engaging features to capture the love of learning from all students! This new update makes in-person or distance learning instruction more accessible for everyone.