Writer's Notebook: Goal Trackers, Conference Forms, Writing Prompts & MORE


Tired of your students' writing materials shoved in desks and scattered throughout the classroom? Keep all of your students' writing resources in one place! This download includes several writing resources (printable or digital) that students can use to keep track of writing goals and progress, writing conference notes, writing resources, writing tools, and more.

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Tired of your students' writing materials shoved in desks and scattered throughout the classroom? Keep all of your students' writing resources in one place! This download includes several writing resources (printable or digital) that students can use to keep track of writing goals and progress, writing conference notes, writing resources, writing tools, and more.

Tired of your students' writing materials shoved in desks and scattered throughout the classroom? Keep all of your students' writing resources in one place! This download includes several writing resources (printable or digital) that students can use to keep track of writing goals and progress, writing conference notes, writing resources, writing tools, and more.

This Writer's Notebook is the students' go-to writing resource that they will use almost every day during your writing block. It can also be used as an assessment tool for you, the teacher, to help inform your instruction.

There are 4 sections in the Writer's Notebook:

  • Writing Goals - This is where students choose and record their monthly writing goals.

  • Writing Tools - In this section students have several tools to help them with their writing such as editing and revising checklists, writing prompts, word lists and more.

  • Practice & ProgressIn this section, students will keep conferencing notes, a list of topic ideas for their writing, and keep track of where they are in the writing process for individual writing pieces. You can also have students keep blank writing paper in this section for free writing.

  • Writing Resources - In this students store important writing-related hand-outs that they can reference all year. A table of contents is used to help organize each resource.

This writer's notebook will help support your upper elementary students (grades 3, 4, or 5) by teaching them important management & organizational skills, holding them accountable for their independent writing, and giving them a tool that they can reference all year long.

PLUS - you can modified and customize the content inside the notebook to fit the needs of your students.

The following pages are included (printable & digital versions available):

  1. Notebook Cover Page

  2. Writing Goals (several pages of suggestions and a place to record personal writing goals)

  3. "What Should I Write About?" writing prompts for different writing genres

  4. Revising and editing checklist

  5. Editing symbols reference guide

  6. "Use THIS, Not THAT!" vocabulary word list

  7. "The Writing Process" reference guide

  8. "Delicious Writing" - Parts of a paragraph reference guide

  9. "Use Your Senses" vocabulary word list

  10. Writing conference notes sheet

  11. "My Writing Ideas" sheet to record a list of topic ideas

  12. Writing process progress tracker

The Writer's Notebook is provided as a printable PDF that can be organized in a 3-ring notebook, OR as a digital Google Slides notebook that can be assigned inside Google Classroom. VIDEO TUTORIALS PROVIDED TO HELP YOU set up the digital format.


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This was incredibly helpful for my students. The different sections enabled my students to quickly flip and find what they were looking for. I really appreciate the goal setting section and ALL of the tools. They were very helpful! Elizabeth R, 3rd & 4th grader teacher

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Easy to use and great to keep me organized. Plus the video also helped me know HOW to plan. Thanks for all you do. - Billie L

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I found this resource to be a great help for small group writing time. Each student has a packet and tends to utilize the checklists the most. Such a great resource to help student self monitor in their writing. Thank you! - Ashley L., 2nd grade teacher


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