Shiloh Novel Unit (Reading Skills & Strategies, Comprehension Practice, Vocabulary)


Here's your comprehensive, PRINTABLE & DIGITAL novel unit for Shiloh - one that will have your students eager to begin reading each day! Seamlessly weave in critical reading skills and strategies as your students read, respond, and complete a wide-variety of activities. The user-friendly teacher guide makes prep and planning straight-forward and easy.

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Here's your comprehensive, PRINTABLE & DIGITAL novel unit for Shiloh - one that will have your students eager to begin reading each day! Seamlessly weave in critical reading skills and strategies as your students read, respond, and complete a wide-variety of activities. The user-friendly teacher guide makes prep and planning straight-forward and easy.

Here's your comprehensive, PRINTABLE & DIGITAL novel unit for Shiloh - one that will have your students eager to begin reading each day! Seamlessly weave in critical reading skills and strategies as your students read, respond, and complete a wide-variety of activities. The user-friendly teacher guide makes prep and planning straight-forward and easy.

Skip the typical boring novel units, and implement one that encourages meaningful discussion and critical thinking without taking away from the joy of reading!

This novel unit is SO MUCH MORE than comprehension questions and vocabulary practice! It's interactive, collaborative, hands-on, and...FUN!

I've taken the guess-work out of how to deliver a rigorous novel unit and have crafted a series of done-for-you lessons that intentionally map out crucial reading skills that support each chapter in a natural and meaningful way.


Each lesson has 3 components to help you structure your instruction effortlessly.

  • Introduction - During this portion of the lesson you'll introduce important reading skills and strategies that students will be working on that day. You'll cover important vocabulary as well as check for comprehension from previous reading.

  • Lesson Activity - In this section students will read and engage with the text using a variety of activities and instructional formats. Students keep all their learning in one place using the student activity packet. Here they complete activities, journal their thoughts about their reading, and check for comprehension. Each lesson is unique and will keep things interesting for students! By the end of the unit, students will have learned several new reading skills that they practiced inside the text.

  • Lesson Reflection - Bring students back together at the end of the lesson to review, share, and discuss what they have read.


  • Detailed Teacher Guide with a unit overview, daily lesson plans, and details for end-of-unit projects. Find detailed information about student objectives, common core state standards for grades 3-5, needed materials, teacher preparation notes, and the steps on how to conduct the lesson.

  • 51 anchor slides (provided in PowerPoint, PDF, or PGN image files) to help keep your lesson on track!

  • 40+ pages of student activity sheets to go along with each daily lesson (printable & digital)

  • 7 additional vocabulary lessons for teaching vocab skills using novel vocabulary. These lessons includes its own set of anchor slides and activity sheets. [digital option available where applicable]

  • Colorful bulletin board set to help reinforce important reading skills and strategies

  • Additional Learning Activities to go along with daily lessons including: "Meet the Author" article, pairing fiction and nonfiction article, student discussion prompt cards, and a reader's theater script

  • 3 end-of-unit activities that wrap up your novel unit and leave students with a lasting impression!


  • What is realistic fiction?

  • Types of Characters

  • Point of View

  • Pairing Fiction and Nonfiction

  • Theme

  • Types of Conflict in Fiction

  • Story Mountain and Critical Event

  • Character Development

What other teachers are saying…

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Alyssa C, 4th grade teacher, says... This packet is amazing!!! So thorough and well thought out! Everything is laid out in the teacher's plan and easy to use! AMAZING product!!!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ashley D., 5th grade teacher, says... This is a very comprehensive, amazing resource! It covers so many skills and standards and I love that everything that is needed for the unit is included. So little effort on my part!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Caroline J. 3rd grade teacher says... This resource is amazing! It is so organized - any questions you have are answered in the teacher guide. I am a first-year teaching, so this was my saving grace for my novel study on Shiloh. So many skills are addressed! We used this for a month. GREAT!

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