First Day of School Planner, Checklist, and Welcome Back Activities
Planning for the first day of school can be overwhelming. There are so many moving parts that it's to forget important details when it comes to planning for back to school. This teacher tool kit puts your mind at ease with resources to help you feel prepared and confident for day one!
Planning for the first day of school can be overwhelming. There are so many moving parts that it's to forget important details when it comes to planning for back to school. This teacher tool kit puts your mind at ease with resources to help you feel prepared and confident for day one!
Planning for the first day of school can be overwhelming. There are so many moving parts that it's to forget important details when it comes to planning for back to school. This teacher tool kit puts your mind at ease with resources to help you feel prepared and confident for day one!
With the checklists, planners, and welcome back activities will help you cross all your t's and dot all your i's before your students arrive on the first day of school.
Students will love the variety of back to school activities to welcome them into the new school year!
First Day of School Checklist: Make sure you’ve got everything prepped and in place before your students arrive on the first day. Find places to plan (and check off!) your 1st day read-aloud books, anchor charts you need to make, routines/procedures you need to go over, copies to make…etc)
First Day of School Planner: Many teachers follow a special schedule on the first day of school, requiring them to write out plans separate from their regular plan book. Plan out your first day of school from start to finish with this simple quick planner.
"All About Me" Student Poster: A perfect activity for your students to work on as they arrive in their new classroom – PLUS it doubles as a GREAT open-house display, too!
Classroom Scavenger Hunt: Your students will love exploring their new classroom with this fun, team-building classroom scavenger hunt! Students work together to find where everything is located in their classroom including where you keep supplies, where you meet during small group/whole group times, and more! This scavenger hunt is editable to add in your own cards!
Partner Finding Game: Finding partners at the beginning of the school year can be a challenge when students don’t know each other very well yet. This quick partner finder game allows students to find a new partner to work with in just a few moments. Introduce this activity on the first day of school and then use it all year long! It will encourage students to work with new people. (32 cards provided)
"Roll & Write" Writing Prompts: This writing activity is a perfect & fun way to get a baseline writing sample from your students.
"Talk & Walk" Getting to Know You Game: This fun game will get your students up and out of their seats learning fun facts about their new classmates. (32 question cards provided)
Goodie Bag Topper: Welcome your students with a yummy treat, topped with this cute bag topper (in color of B&W)
Math About Me: Have your students introduce themselves with numbers! This is a great activity to kick-off your math instruction for the school year and doubles as a fun getting-to-know-you activity!
All About Me Cootie Catcher: Need a fun brain-break or a quick ice-breaker? Try this All About Me Cootie Catcher. Students ask and answer simple questions about each other.
3-2-1 Get to Know My Teacher: Use this simple activity sheet as a time-filler, opening activity, or at any other part of your first day to help students get to know YOU! Male & female teacher options available!
Complete Overview & Teacher Directions for Each Activity & Resource
Dequeismo says...
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ As I'm about to start my first year of teaching, I've found this to be a fantastic way to layout EXACTLY what I need to start the year off right! Love it!
Laura A. says...
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Fabulous set! My students especially loved the scavenger hunt, talk and walk, and fun picture puzzle way to choose a partner. I used the All About Me as part of a display for open house which the kids liked to present. Thank you!
Christina K. says...
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Really great ideas! Incredibly easy to use and looks perfect! It's nice to have different first week activities to get the kids up and moving and sharing at a moment's notice! Thanks!
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