Colonial America Unit (Reasons for Colonization, Colonial regions, Daily Life, Colonial Jobs & MORE)


Your next third grade, fourth grade, or fifth grade social studies unit is planned! In this comprehensive resource, students learn about Colonial American including reasons for colonization, colonial villages and homes, daily life, colonial jobs, and more. Resources include a teacher guide, hands-on students activities (printable or digital), learning centers, review game, and unit assessment.

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Your next third grade, fourth grade, or fifth grade social studies unit is planned! In this comprehensive resource, students learn about Colonial American including reasons for colonization, colonial villages and homes, daily life, colonial jobs, and more. Resources include a teacher guide, hands-on students activities (printable or digital), learning centers, review game, and unit assessment.

Your next third grade, fourth grade, or fifth grade social studies unit is planned! In this comprehensive resource, students learn about Colonial American including reasons for colonization, colonial villages and homes, daily life, colonial jobs, and more. Resources include a teacher guide, hands-on students activities (printable or digital), learning centers, review game, and unit assessment.

It's no secret - teaching history in the elementary classroom can be a struggle. Teachers are faced with the challenge of making people and events of the past relatable to young students who have a hard time even remembering or caring about the events and people of last week, let alone last century!

That's why making history come alive in your classroom is so crucial to making students care about what they are learning.

But - lucky for you - I love a good challenge! I've created a unit that will make you the hero in your next social studies lesson (bonus if it happens to be a lesson you're getting observed on!)


  1. Each lesson has 3 components to help you structure your instruction effortlessly.

  2. Introduction - During this portion of the lesson you'll review previously learned content and add on or introduce new concepts and content vocabulary that students will be working on that day. You'll start as a whole group using anchor slides before breaking out into small groups for hands-on practice.

  3. Lesson Activity - During this time of your lesson students will interact with you and each other as they explore history through varied hands-on activities, often in partners or small groups. They'll record their learning all in one place in their students activity packet.

  4. Lesson Reflection - Bring students back together at the end of the lesson to review, share, and discuss what they have learned during the lesson activity. Students reflect on what they've learned through journal questions right in their student activity packet.


  • Detailed Teacher Guide with everything you need for each lesson. All needed resources are downloadable directly from the guide making prep a breeze! The teacher guide includes a unit overview and detailed daily lesson plans (some lasting more then 1 day) The lesson plans include easy-to-follow information about student objectives, materials needed, teacher preparation required, and the steps on how to conduct the lesson. You'll even find sample anchor charts and answer keys embedded right into the teacher guide.

  • Student Activity Packet - Student activities to go along with the daily lessons (All students resources are printable OR digital)

  • 30+ anchor slides to go along with each lesson. This anchor lessons are provided in PowerPoint, PDF, and PNG image files to meet your needs.

  • A 50+ (full-colored) piece Bulletin Board set to reinforce learned concepts

  • Originally written articles to teach content about Colonial America (Also available in Google Slides)

  • Colonial scavenger hunt for students to explore on a computer, iPad, tablet, chrome book, etc. Students will complete this scavenger hunt at the beginning of the unit as a fun way to introduce the concept. The scavenger hunt is provided in PDF, PPT and google slides.

  • LINKtivity® Digital Learning Guide for students to learn about colonial jobs. The learning guide can be viewed on a computer, iPad, tablet, chrome book (etc.) or even as a whole class.

  • Discovery Learning Folders to teach about colonial life (folders included for daily life for colonial men, colonial women, colonial children, enslaved men, women, & children, as well as colonial clothing/style)

  • Picture and informational cards about colonial schools to be used in a small group activity. (Also available in Google Slides)

  • Review Game

  • Unit assessment (Also available in Google Forms)


  • How and why colonists arrived in America

  • Colonial homes and villages

  • Colonial schools

  • Daily life for during Colonial America

  • Colonial clothing and style

  • Colonial jobs/trades

  • The three major regions of the colonies (Southern, Middle, and New England colonies)

What other teachers are saying:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "My students have LOVED your bundles. They love being able to work at their own pace with the google slides and it was well worth the price. My students were always engaged and retained so much of their new knowledge" -Mrs. Bryant

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The lessons include a variety of formats including small group discussions and learning groups, individual exploration, and whole-class instruction.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "This unit is amazing! My students (and myself) found it engaging, and very interactive. The variety of activities included to help students gain understanding is great! The level of presentation is kid-friendly and students are engaged. The self-reflection piece at the end of each lesson helps students to gauge their learning and see their own progress." - Amanda J., 5th grade teacher

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "THIS UNIT IS AMAZING! I love the technology integration and how user friendly this unit is for both the teacher and students. This covers EVERYTHING and set my kids up perfectly for your American Revolution unit. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" - Christina L.

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