Top 5 Podcast Episodes from The Classroom Commute Podcast’s First Year

The Classroom Commute:  Happy Birthday!  Celebrating 1 year of the podcast

Happy 1st Birthday to The Classroom Commute Podcast!

One year ago I decided to take the leap on something I had been wanting to do for over 2 years - and that was starting a podcast.

I made the excuses for far too long that podcasting would be too hard - too much tech, too much editing, too much “figuring out.” So I put it off and until one wintery day while having lunch with my hubby I announced “I’m doing it! I’m finally going to start a podcast.”

And that was it - in January of 2020, The Classroom Commute was born!

At first it was awkward talking into a microphone all alone in my office. But then, somehow, it began to feel more like I was talking to a friend…a teacher friend…you!

It has been my hope all along that through The Classroom Commute Podcast I could be your carpool buddy on your ride in to school.

Someone who could share in the joys and frustrations that come with this crazy job.

Someone to swap ideas with and share with you what had worked for me and my students so that you might be inspired with a new idea or two!

And — as I sit here one year later, I’m so glad I decided to take the leap into the podcast world AND I’m so excited to see what the next year will bring! But first- let’s take a look back at The Classroom Commute Podcast’s first year in numbers:

The Classroom Commute Podcast by the numbers:  13 - The podcast launched on January 13; 17 - The episode most downloaded ; 10 - the number of episodes released before the pandemic hit and I had to rethink everything ; 22K - the total number of teach…

So - if you’ve been with me since episode 1, OR you just began tuning in — I’m so glad you’ve decided to take me along for the ride!

And if you want to check out my top 5 episodes from the first year, I put together a playlist!


Top 5 Episodes from the first year of The Classroom Commute Podcast:


CCP: Episode 53 // Using a Reading Genre Wheel to Encourage Reading Variety


CCP: Episode 52 // Strategies to Help Students Generate New Writing Ideas