CCP Episode : 007 // Help Your Students Master Their Math Facts - FOR GOOD!

Let's face it.
There are some things that students learn in school, take a test on, and then don't reeeeally need to remember ever again. (um - 10th grade logics and proofs anyone?) However, there are MANY things that we teach our students that are the building blocks for much of what they will learn in future grades.
Math facts are one of those things.
Knowing them is the foundation for sooo much of what is to come in their learning, and NOT knowing them creates a huge barrier to our students' future success.
Here's another fact: math facts can be boring and dull to learn.
Skill and drill seems to be the obvious choice for having our students memorize their facts. However, I am - as I am sure you are, too - a big believer in making learning fun and meaningful. If students connect with their learning, they will REMEMBER their learning. Simple as that. That's why several years ago, my teacher friend and I started having our 4th grade students participate in math challenges.
Total game changer.
In this week's episode I'm share exactly how to use math facts challenges with your students and I even have the free resources to help you get these challenges up and running in your classroom!
Highlights from the Episode:
My slightly embarrassing confession (0:56)
The fundamental math skill our students NEED to know (1:57)
The one math activity that I started doing with my students that was a total game changer for learning math facts (2:24)
My take on math-fact times quizzes (3:36)
How I celebrate when I students know their math facts (5:14)
The 4 math facts challenge themes (6:03)
Links mentioned in this episode:
Grab your free math fact class challenge kit below:
Want a fun way to motivate your students to learn their math facts? Host a Math Facts Challenge each time you focus on one of the math operations (+ - x ÷ ).
Students take quick quizzes and as they pass each level they build on their challenge mat!
Sample photos of multiplication challenge:
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