Ep 95 // What is a 21st Century Classroom??
Inside This Week’s Episode: Want to know what it means to create a modern, 21st century classroom? This episode is a must-listen to for any elementary classroom teacher who wants to provide students with interactive, effective, and engaging learning experiences that prepares students for a 21st century world.
What is a 21st Century Classroom?
If you have been tuning in to the podcast the past few weeks, you may have picked up on the fact that I’ve been putting a lot of focus on the modern classroom, and what’s actually working right now.
I’ve also been challenging some of the teaching ideas and practices that have dominated in the classroom for the past decade or so, and have really been questioning whether or not they are relevant anymore.
We first talked about whether or not learning styles are a myth (learning styles like visual learners vs auditory learners vs kinesthetic learners...etc) — you know all those educational philosophies you were likely taught in college.
We then talked about what’s working right now in the classroom to increase student success. These strategies draw upon modern best teaching practices -things that maybe we didn’t do 10 or so years ago.
All of this conversation has begun to set the stage to a larger question:
What is a 21st century classroom?
If education is changing (which it totally is...). If some of the educational philosophies that played a larger role and had a bigger influence on our teaching practices are no longer relevant...then where does that leave us?
How can we begin creating a 21st century, modern-day classroom that can meet the demands of the students in our classrooms TODAY?
Well, we are just starting this journey, my friend. Because there is a lot to unpack - but I first want to start today with laying the groundwork for what it means to be a 21st century classroom. That way, as we move forward in our discussion, you can reflect on how it compares to your own classroom.
So let’s get started!
Links & Resources Mentioned in the Episode
EPISODE 45: How to Use Rubrics for Assessment AND Instruction
EPISODE 55: Easy Tips to Boost Student Participation While Building a Strong Classroom Community
EPISODE 90: Using Podcasts in the Elementary Classroom
EPISODE 91: The TRUTH About Learning Styles
EPISODE 94: 3 Tips for Increasing Student Success
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Here’s What we Talked about:
The role that technology plays in a modern classroom
How to provide more opportunities for collaboration among students
The importance and impact of hands-on learning
The design and layout of a 21st century classroom
How to use transparent assessments to increase student success
Why teachers AND students need to reflect on their learning regularly.
21st century classroom resources
One of the ways that I’ve tried to have a hand in this whole process of supporting teachers who are looking to create 21st century classrooms, is through my creation of LINKtivity® Interactive Learning Guides.
Through LINKtivities I am trying to bring in as many elements and components of a 21st century classroom as I can into one learning experience — things like hands-on learning as students manipulate and navigate through the LINKtivity, things like learning through discovery where students seek out information on their own without being completely directed by the teacher, and of course incorporating technology in a meaningful way.
I also want to make it as easy on teachers as possible.
I totally get how hard it is the incorporate all of these components of a 21st century classroom into your daily teaching. And - I want to remind you that it is a work in progress and I am not expecting that you can just flip the switch and make it happen.
But I do want to do my part to support you in the ways that I can. And for me, that way is 1) through the podcast as I hope to bring you the most current information about teaching and best practices and, 2) through my resources, specifically my LINKtivity® resources.
And if you’re looking for a great first step to implementing 21st century teaching practices, then I wanted to let you know that I’ve created the LINKtivity® Learning Membership for such a time as this.
Inside the membership teachers can get access to my entire library of LINKtivities for one low monthly or annual price. And the best part is - once you’re a member, you not only get access to the LINKtivities already inside the membership, but you will get immediate access to all future LINKtivities added each month to the membership at no extra charge.
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