CCP: Episode 17 // 10 Activities to Do With Students Over Zoom or Google Meet

Looking for some inspiration to spice up your daily or weekly online class meetings?
Check out these 10 fun teacher-tested, student approved activities that you can incorporate into your distance learning instruction on Zoom or Google Meet!
Highlights from The Episode:
10 Activities for Zoom or Google Meet: (Timestamps shown)
Reader’s Theater (3:30)
Scavenger Hunts (5:01)
Show & Tell (5:39)
Play Games (5:55)
Host a Lunch Bunch (6:23)
Go Noodle (6:37)
Virtual Field Trips (6:48)
Host a Spirit Day or Week (7:16)
Host a Student Art Show (7:36)
Joke of the Day (8:08)
Links & Resources Mentioned in the Episode:
Episode 16: 5 Things to Keep Doing During Distance Learning
Virtual Field Trips
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