CCP Episode : 001 // Creating A Classroom Community of Readers

Can you Relate to This?
You join your students on the gathering area, share an anchor text, talk about the book, maybe teach a skill or two, and then send your kiddos off to their desks for independent reading.
Maybe you mix in some guided reading in there, as well. Perhaps a conference or two. You wrap it up with meeting on the gathering area once again, have a few students share out how they applied said skill into their own reading and call it a day.
Sound familiar? This was my reading block, day in and day out. There was few opportunity for students to really connect their reading experiences with each other.
We want our students to love reading, but we often forget that reading can be enhanced through experiencing it with others - creating a community of readers where students can't WAIT to talk to each other about what they are reading. This type of environment can be made through a few on-going activities. In this week’s episode I’m sharing 3 super simple, low-prep ways to help create a strong community of readers.
Highlights from the Episode:
One mistake teacher make when it comes to their reading instruction (1:15)
The thing adult readers do that we should be having our students do (1:40)
A typical day in reading (2:30)
Recommended Books Bins (4:00)
Critics Corner (5:31)
Class Book Award (7:34)
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