Teaching the Presidential Election in the Upper Elementary Classroom

Does the thought of teaching the Presidential Election in your elementary classroom make you want to hide?
You're not alone! The current political climate can make discussing topics like the Presidential Election challenging. However, it's essential to teach our students the basics of how our government operates so they can start to see themselves as engaged citizens.
Fortunately, I’ve put together a collection of resources to help you discuss the Presidential Election in an unbiased manner.
First, let’s explore what we should be teaching our students about the election to provide them with a strong foundation.
Teach Your Students Election Vocabulary
If our students watch TV for even just five minutes during a Presidential Election year, they’ll likely hear a lot of election-related terms that may not make much sense to them yet—words like campaign, candidate, debate, opponent, and National Convention. It's time to give them a quick vocabulary lesson!
A very simple ways to do this is to expose students to several election-related words in a variety of activities. (and pppst - I’ve got an election vocabulary resource for you to use for FREE! Keep reading for details…)
Activity 1: Rate the Word
I print out a set of word cards (included in the free resource download below) and place only the vocabulary word cards in a bag or basket. The definition cards are not needed for this first activity. I invite a volunteer to pull a word from the bag and read it to the class. Then, I ask the students to rate their understanding of the word using the following rating system:
1- I have never heard of the word
2- I’ve heard the word, but don’t know what it means
3- I’ve heard the word and understand what it means
4- I’ve heard the word and I can explain it’s meaning to someone else.
Students hold up 1, 2, 3, or 4 fingers to show their understanding. I invite a student who has a level 4 understanding of the word to explain it to the rest of the class (and, of course I clear up any misconceptions of the word before moving on). I repeat this exercise with all the words in my bag. This is an easy way to introduce the vocabulary words to your students and to familiarize them with important election words.
Activity 2: Play a Game!
Here are two options of how you can use the vocabulary cards in a game:
Provide each student with either a vocabulary word card or a definition card. Students walk about the room looking for their match. (ex. the student “ballot” matches up with the student that has “a list of people trying to get elected”). Have students trade their card with another students’ card and repeat.
Have students partner up and play “Memory” using the cards. Make several sets so that multiple partner groups can play at the same time, if desired.
Activity 3: Create an Election Word Class Book
Assign each student a word and have them complete a page for the class book using their word (see below) Compile all student pages to create a class book. Use the class book cover sheet provided in the free download, and voila! You’re all set!
And, good news! This class book can be a printable OR digital book, as I’ve provided the class book pages and cover sheet in Google Slides, as well!
You can do these activities in your own classroom! Just download the FREE election day activities set below!
free Presidential Election activity
Grab this PRINTABLE or DIGITAL Class Book template (& vocabulary card set) to help teach important election-related vocabulary words! PLUS: Use the vocabulary word cards for a variety of activities - Details in the download!
Use LINKtivities to Teach & Engage
I love me a LINKtivity, buuuuuut you likely already knew that 😉
I just know that LINKtivities make it so easy to engage students, even on topics that might be confusing or boring otherwise.
Teaching kids about elections is such a valuable way to prepare them to become informed and active citizens. By learning about the candidates and how the electoral process works, students can begin to understand the power of their voices in shaping the future. This Election Day, let’s give our students the tools to think critically about leadership and the importance of civic responsibility!
This year, I’m pumped to offer a LIMITED-TIME BUNDLE that includes three LINKtivities that are perfect for the 2024 Presidential election.
In the Presidential Election LINKtivity students will learn:
election history
requirements for becoming a president
the 2 main political parties (republican & democrat)
the electoral process
and more!
Then, dive a little deeper using our Mini-Biography LINKtivities for both 2024 presidential candidates: Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.
Students will learn:
Biography of Each Presidential Candidate - Students will acquire essential background information about each presidential candidate's life including their upbringing and key moments of their life . This context is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of their life and contributions.
Accomplishments & Achievements - Students will discover key events and achievements associated with each candidate's life and work.
Famous Quotes - Students will read some of the most memorable and impactful quotes spoken by each candidate.
You May Also Like to Read: The Beginner’s Guide to LINKtivities
Videos & Books for Teaching the Presidential Election
There is no shortage of video and book resources that present the Presidential Election in kid-friendly terms. Check out the videos and book titles below:
Videos for Teaching About the Election: (click each to view)
Books for Teaching About the Election: (click each book cover to view in Amazon, affiliate links)